Conclusion of the BF Blazer


I’ve shown you all different ways to wear this “boyfriend blazer”! I hope it helped and you feel ready and confident to rock it this fall! Don’t forget to take pictures!

Almost every fashion store is going to carry this BF Blazer!

To just name a few:

AE-$69.95 (charcoal grey, navy blue, white)

Charlotte Russe-$34.99-$39.99 (striped poute B&W, pink stripe, red hot, shiny white, nudge w/ blk tuxedo look)

DOTS Fashion-$19.80 (solid blk, B&W stripe, white w/ Blk Tuxedo look (on sale now for $14), blk with sheer back, cobalt blue)

Michael Kors-$110.99 (solid black, comes in PLUS sizes as well)

BCBG-$268.00 (tuxedo look w/ satin trim)

Macy’s-$89.50 (golden rod, blk, retro red, turq dove)


Be confident in what you wear! Own it!!



“Out and About”

Can’t walk out the door looking anything but cute, right? Doesn’t even matter where you are going?!?! I’m the same way! If I am going to the grocery store or running some errands…I have to be trendy!

You don’t always have to be looking like you are about to walk the runway in this boyfriend blazer. Here is a great way to dress it down a bit:

Boyfriend Blazer+Bootcut Denim/Skinny Jeans+Graphic Tee+Flats

Boyfriend Blazer+Leggings+Long Tee+Shoes

Boyfriend Blazer+Shorts+Blouse+Heels+Fedora Hat

Boyfriend Blazer+Pleated Skirt+Blouse+Ballet Flats

I also love dressing down this “bb” because you can wear your hair however you want too! Down, Pony-Tail,  Side-Braid, Bun, Curly, etc. Consider this boyfriend blazer an accessory! There isn’t a need really to add jewelry to it when you dress it down!

Be confident in what you wear! Own it!!



“Dine & DASHing’!!”

OK ladies! Tonight is the night to shine! You’re going to a nice dinner with your significant other or a get together with the girls and want to rock this boyfriend blazer??!!

Here are great styles to wear with it while still looking stunning and dashing!

Boyfriend Blazer+Sequin Dress+Pumps+Tights

Boyfriend Blazer+Pleated Skirt+Blouse+Heels

Don’t forget to accessorize! accessorize! accessorize!



Be confident in what you wear! Own it!!



“Happy Hour Girl”

Going to drinks with the girls after a long week? Meeting up with your honey mid-week after work?

Alright, diva! Here is what you got to wear to rock this boyfriend blazer while still expressi

ng your own style!

Boyfriend Blazer+Skinny Jeans+Wedges+Slub Tee (give it that edgy look)

Boyfriend Blazer+Leggings+Boots+Long Sequin Tee

You’ll have heads turning anywhere you go! Most of us don’t wear wedges or boots to work; simply pack them in the morning and leave them in your car and change after work! It’ll feel refreshing to have a pair of shoes other than your work shoes waiting for you! 🙂


You look fab! Take pictures!

Enjoy drinks with the girls or your honey!! Have one for me! 🙂

Be confident in what you wear! Own it!!



“Let’s go PRO (-fessional) Girls!!”

ImageAs stated in my previous posts about the “boyfriend blazer”; everyone loves the versatility about it! If you are like me…I want to wear the “bb” all the time! To work…to happy hour…to upscape martini lounges…concerts…running errands…dining…etc! It is also important to me that I express my own style everytime I wear it too! Here is a great way to wear it while you are at the office; again these are just examples of what you could wear it with:

Boyfriend Blazer+Pencil Skirt+Pump+Sheer/Solid Blouse

Boyfriend Blazer+Slacks+Ballet Flat+Pinstriped 3QS Shirt

These are a just a couple of idea’s to where to work. Please feel free to leave any comments that may have worked for you that you could share!

I peiced some items together as a visual on one of my mannequins in my store for the casual look! (picture on the left)

Next up on how to wear the boyfriend blazer…”Happy Hour Girl”

Be confident in what you wear! Own it!!





“The Boyfriend Blazer”

What is the “Boyfriend Blazer?”

The boyfriend blazer was incredibly hot in 2009 and guess what….IT’S BACK! This is definitely a must have this fall! My store received these blazers in last weekand I was super excited! The boyfriend blazer adds tomboy flair to pretty! You can dress it up or you can dress it down.

Every girl (even girlie girls like me out there) has a “boyish” style to her. This new boyfriend blazer is a great way to express that side of you! What is great about it is that it looks good on all body types! It is versatile and comes in all colors.

What I love about the boyfriend blazer is that it is so slimming and anyone can wear it! (that’s right, even us short girls out there!) You can wear it with anything and everything; you can dress it up and you can dress it down! It comes in all different colors and shapes and sizes!  When you try on the boyfriend blazer, make sure it fits you right; it should sit 2-3 inches below your waist. They range in price depending upon your taste in fashion! I got mine at DOTS Fashion for only $22.80! However, I’ve seen them at G by Guess and NY&Co for over $200! I will be blogging on how to wear the boyfriend blazer this week and posting pictures!

Be confident in what you wear! Own it!!



Hello world!

Hello World! Whoever you are out there! 

A Little About Me:

I have always been into fashion and am consistently keeping up with the latest trends, it’s obvious to say that I have a strong “passion for fashion”! I am currently a store manager in the fashion industry and love it! My job allows me to use my creativity in visual merchandising and express myself! Everyday I get to dress up and go to work! There are soo many customers that come into my store that have no idea what to wear for an event or…in general. They rely on our opinion and we give them our fashion expert advice! There is nothing more fulfilling in my job than dressing a customer and she walks out of my store feeling; confident, sexy, and ready to walk the runway! All of us have some sort of fulfilling experience that makes us say, “Damn, I love my job!” Well, this is mine.

Typical Sterotype- people may think that just because you are into fashion, either you’re “materialistic” or “naive” or “misunderstood”.  In reality, everyone has a sense of taste in fashion; some may be stronger than others but everyone has their own style; even if you’re a jeans and t-shirt kind of person. I am simply starting this blog to help anyone who wants to grow in fashion, keep up with the latest trends, or even sport an outfit that you bought 6 years ago! Let’s bring it back together, challenge me! I plan on writing about different types of styles, what’s hot in season, what’s trending, where to go and what to wear, demonstrate how to get the best bang for your buck, best sales, how to wear it, and last but not least…insprire and motivate your inner self.

I look forward to this journey!

Be confident in what you wear! Own It!!

